Saturday, May 30, 2009

kate and kinny

a lovely day, a very happy bride and groom and rubbish pictures taken by me! are a few to give you a taste xx

Friday, May 29, 2009

in the bath

Mabel takes a bath with an apple!!! (could not get her to put it down so i said..'do you know what, have it in the bath!'

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ooohhh get me!!

My aliums .... I grew these little babies from bulbs!!!!

Peas, Runner beans & courgettes ready to be planted...

My new mug!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I am so excited

Here is the little one....all looking good so far, I am getting very excited now!!

Some pictures from our weekend

We all had a lovely time in Kent, we walked and saw trains (channel tunnel ) and drank and nice to spend time with all of the family

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A productive weekend...

She told me it was an alien!! (I didnt even know she new the word!!!)

Had a very productive weekend, sorted aload of stuff out, got a few hours in at the allotment (in the rain but nevermind) two rows of spuds planted, did lots of painting with lola ..and went to a party and managed to stay until midnight...(good going for a tired, sober, pregnant person). Got the scan tomorrow :-)
Hope you had a lovely weekend with the family xx

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

these are amazing

all from johnathan adler...amazing

Daisy Beatrice

france May 2009

Some pictures from our lovely break...i cant wait to do it again next year!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nice bits of fabric

This arrived while we were away...first piece towards the new patchwork quilt that I am going to attempt! Missed my was on Monday and I got the days mixed up... :-( how stupid! Am trying to re-arrange now. Thank you for such a lovely nice to spend some time together without little people!! It's very Molly actually!! Will make something from Mabel from it too..although it will have to be a small something as it is a very tiny piece! xx

The quilt... for new baby's room.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Car boot season is upon us..... :-)

Had such a nice day with Lola on Saturday..Andrew was off in Wales doing his Mountain Leader's first aid course, I took Lola off on the bike..beautiful sunny morning. We went to a car boot sale at a local school..where all I bought her was a little doctors set. We then went to a new deli/cafe that has just opened and sat outside in the sunshine drinking coffee and milk and easting croissants. Lovely!
Doctors kit is a massive hit...
she keeps saying 'Can I check your tummy Mummy..Ohh I can here the baby!'

Kat came up Saturday evening..made pizzas and vegged out...then went to a car boot on Sunday morning..the posh one, first of the season..It was fantastic!!

Got Lola a little wooden deckchair...

A West German pottery vase, and another really nice heavy glass vase...

Some nice toys and books for Lola...

and 3 crochet blankets for her dolls/ good.
I love this time of year when the car boots start up x